- 金錢
- 9259
- 威望
- 2547
- 貢獻值
- 94
- 推廣值
- 0
- 性別
- 男
- 在線時間
- 0 小時
- 最後登錄
- 2025-3-23
- 主題
- 19
- 精華
- 0
- 閱讀權限
- 70
- 註冊時間
- 2015-7-14
- 帖子
- 2603
TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 昨天 14:21 |
簽到天數: 1039 天 [LV.10]以壇為家III - 推廣值
- 0
- 貢獻值
- 94
- 金錢
- 9259
- 威望
- 2547
- 主題
- 19
After 50 years and 23 films, including the forthcomingSkyfall, James Bond has driven some pretty fantastic automobiles — notto mention boats, airplanes, tanks and an alligator submarine. We've alreadyhighlighted the 10 Best JamesBond Cars.
At the same time, however, there have been somestinkers. Some on this 10 Worst list are just terrible cars, period. In somecases, though, that terribleness actually served a purpose. Morecontroversially, there are good cars on here that were inappropriately orpoorly used.
In order to put together this list, though, we had toask ourselves the question: "What is a Bond Car?" Does it need to bea featured star like the Aston Martin DB5 or Lotus Esprit? Does it simply meanthat James Bond at some point had to drive it? Or is just being in a Bond filmenough? We just answered yes to all of the above.
Now, you may notice that Ford is heavily representedon this list, but that's simply because of the long-standing product placementrelationship between Ford Motor Company and Eon Productions, the makers of theJames Bond films. The Mustang and Cougar on the Best list certainly balancethings out. Having said that, the worst Bond car ever is...
现在你也许发现Ford在本榜中戏份很重,只是因为Ford与制片方Eon Productions的经久绵长。Mustang与Cougar作为佳车榜的一员已经抵消了不顺。长篇大论后,最渣邦车是…...